3 Tricks of Lighting dark Knees and Elbows Naturally

Posted on Sep 22, 2019
By Twicky Bly

Dark knees and elbows can get embarrassing attributed to varied factors such as constant exposure to sunlight, changing body lotions etc making you shy away from rocking short and sleeveless dresses.



Well, not anymore! You can exfoliate and lighten those dark patches with the use of these natural ingredients that are very effective and affordable. 

1.Sugar and olive oil:

One way to purge the dark patches is by utilizing sugar alongside olive oil.
The primary function of sugar in your body metabolism is to provide energy for proper body functioning.

However, Sugar can also lighten your dark knees.Sugar has some bleaching properties and in most cases, women have used it to lighten their skin naturally for many years.

Besides, olive oil is a wonderful oil that comes with a number of skin benefits. It smoothens the skin hence giving you a good skin complexion.


Here, you will be required to mix one tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of sugar to form a paste. Before taking a bath scrub this paste on to your knees for few minutes.

Repeat this process on a daily basis for a better result.



2.Baking soda and Milk:
Baking soda exfoliates the skin while milk has lightening and cleansing properties.

Make a paste from both ingredients and apply it on the affected areas. Scrub it gently on the dark areas and wash off with water after 10 minutes
Repeat this process on a daily basis for a better result.



3. Lemon juice and Honey:
Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that can lighten up dark knees and elbows.


Extract the juice of one lemon and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on the affected areas and leave it on for 20 minutes then wash off with water.

For Effective result, repeat this process on a daily basis till you see the effect.


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