Reasons Behind Jabirunga's Arrest In Dei, Revealed!

Posted on Jan 18, 2024
By Site Admin

The year 2024 has kicked off on the wrong page for the Congo based Alur Afrobeat artist, Jabirunga who is currently in the Police coolers at Dei Police Station. 


According to a report reaching us, the artist was arrested last night around 2pm, allegedly for trying to  bed his landlord's wife.


The report reveals that the artist had been throwing romantic lines to the lady(name withheld) on many occasions,however much she warned him to stay away from her since she wasn't interested in any extramarital affairs. The lady discussed the issue with her husband who worked out a perfect plan to net Jabi last night. 


Jabi was caught and handed over to the Police at Dei Police station for further interrogation. 



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