Alur Cultural Festival Returns Under Stewardship of Ladies

Posted on Feb 12, 2024
By Derrick Passy

The saying "What a man can do, a woman can de Better" yet again awaits to see it's wrath in the forthcoming seventh edition of the prestigiously celebrated Alur Cultural Festival.


According to Alur Cultural Association Ltd organisers of the Festival, this year's editions will fully be spearheaded by the female counterparts in the system.


While talking to Berocan Aisha Salim, The Chairperson Organising Committee for this year's festivals, She confirmed to West Nile Xpozed Media Ltd that, "Her & the team comprised of only ladies are more than ready to see that this year's Festival lives a lasting memory Considering the activities in the pipeline like the Cultural plays, folk songs, Story telling, rope pulling games, Omweso, Cultural foods,dances fused with thr modern performance etc.


Her team majorly comprised of Madams Hellen Okecho Atyeronimungu & Prossy further Confirmed to us that, this year will see three editions namely the 7th in Kampala at Uganda Museum, 8th Edition in a yet to be confimed venue in westnile & the Grand 9th edition will be back to Kampala in November.


This year's Cultural Festival will be celebrated under the theme "Promoting Girl Child Education through Culture".


Oyirwoth Albert aka Barto while talking to this website confirmed the powers given to the women further adding that, the men counterpart will Co-operate with the women as they to ensure smooth running of all activities in the event.


The Chief Guest of Honor will be The King of Alur Kingdom His Royal Majesty Rwoth Philip Olarker Rauni, His Majesty Chief of Awora Chieftaincy Rwoth Omwon Denis Francis Ringulangu II among others.


West Nile Xpozed Media Ltd here by urges you to be part of the event on 31st March 2024 (Easter Sunday) from 10am till late.



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