Why Alur Artists Visited H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni At State House Uganda

Posted on Aug 22, 2024
By Site Admin


It is no longer a secret that a group of Ugandan artists visited the State House of Uganda in Entebbe yesterday to meet with the Head Of State, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Alur artists were present among the group that attended the meeting with the President.



Among the artist were Bush Boy, Jay Jagz and Maya Keys who represented the Alur music Industry.


Jay Jagz is the Vice- President of Greater Alur Musicians Association (GRAMA) led by Miss Mercy Leko ; he was at the meeting in the capacity of the Association, while Bush Boy and Maya Keys represented the Alur artists.


Bush Boy, Jay Jagz and Maya Keyz at the meeting


The meeting was initiated by the president and founder of Uganda National Musicians Federation, Eddy Kenzo under which the GRAMA operates.



According to a reliable source, this was the meeting that led to Appointment of Eddy Kenzo as senior presidential Advisor on creative.



Below are some of the outcomes of the meeting that was held yesterday at State House;


Appointment of Eddy Kenzo as presidential Advisor on creative


It is said the President, H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni needed someone that he could work with to advise him on how the creative industry in Uganda can be best managed and artists voted Eddy Kenzo to represent them on that position.



Copyright Law

Another issue handled was the Copyright Law, the President endorsed the law and promised to sponsor members from the different parts of the country from the different associations to travel to any European countries to study the science of how the Copyright are managed, the machines used to detect piracy and music plays.



Head Office for Uganda National Musicians Federation

The President promised to handle this request plus support all the music Associations in the different parts of the country with funds to set up their regional operational offices

He is ready to purchase the current office space (A’lure Hotel) where the federation operates or put up a building for the Head Quarter of the association where Eddy Kenzo and his group will be operating.



For GRAMA, the main office for Alur music will be in Nebbi Municipality.




5 Billion Uganda Shillings Funding to the Association

The President also endorsed another funding of 5 Billion Uganda Shillings to Uganda National Musicians Federation plus 3 brand new cars for operation of the Association.



Leadership Training for the all the Association leaders at Kyankwanzi


GRAMA was endorsed as the main association representing Alur music under Eddy Kenzo’s federation.

The association will hold her meeting this Sunday 25th August; 2024 at GAF Apartments, Nebbi Municipality from 2 – 4pm to register members.

Currently the association has only 18 members across the different sectors of creative arts.


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