Peacock Family Mourns Hon Kasiano aka GK

Posted on Mar 16, 2019
By Derrick Passy
Today as Westnile Media Fraternity has just laid One of their Comrade Batre Ronald who passed on Thursday from his room in Ajia, Another Dark cloud has felt on the Region as Hon Acidri Kasiono an MP Aspirant in Obongi was reported Dead this Morning from Arua Hospital. As this website has not confirmed what exactly killed the late, One of Late Acidri's Musical Student Jerry Peacock has said This is the Biggest loss of his Life so far This year. " He was Mainly our Director and Manager, though he would put in melodies for some reasons as he had instrumental Skills of Guitar, Keyboard and some local instruments. Vocally, he was just complementing our work. If u ever knew about a drama group called M&ITG Besides Mistaken Identity, back in the 2000s, He was the founder and Manager and it's the roots of our musical explosion" Jerry a Member of Peacock Family Recalls the Late. He was recently in company of Hon Kassiano Wadri during the recent Arua Municipality By Elections wearing NRM yellow attires from Head to toe.


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