
Real name: opio Esau
Date of birth: 01/02/1996
Phone: 0752264175/0776598143
Stage name: Kross mumura
Manager: UG wallet Kelvin Kissdola.
Nationality: Ugandan
Place of birth: Pakwach
Town; Pakwach
Children; 02 ie mark mumura and Ken mumura
Albums; 02
Career; artists/songs writtter & record producer
Religion; protestant
Education level; secondary
Hobbies; swimming
Management. Kelvin Kissdola MGT
What's up; 0752265175
Facebook;UG wallet Kelvin Kissdola
Twitter; Kumakech Kelvin
Label; Caliez Kidz ent avenue
Slogan; inspire to aspire before you expire.
Videos 04

Artist Songs

Kross Mumura

Am In The Force Mental-Kross Mumura

230 plays | 72 Downloads