Fans Blast Onduparaka Fc For Issueing A Court Suits To YY Bus

Posted on Oct 14, 2019
By Prosper

The fight for image protection has reached West Nile.

The latest info we have landed on shows a bitter fight between the West Nile giant football club, Onduparaka Fc and YY bus company.

The fight has been exposed by a letter seen online written by Onduparaka Fc to YY Bus company warning them to stop using Onduparaka Fc's logo on their buses without their consent.

This letter has been interpreted by many football fans within West Nile as a baseless fight that Onduparaka shouldn't be engaging into.

Some fans went ahead to criticize the club's management for the letter saying, the club should be grateful that YY bus is helping them in marketing their brand to the outside market where they have failed to reach. With others also seeking Onduparaka Fc to pay them for being their fans and putting on their jerseys.

The letter reads;


Some comments from the fans ; 


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