What You Didn't Know About Martha Kay

Posted on Jun 07, 2019
By Brian Skillz

Martha Kay real names Martha Kemigisha Kagimba is a Ugandan internet comedienne well known for her Instagram and YouTube funny clips. She became trending on social media when her N#de pics found its way on the internet.

Martha Kay is also a professional photographer and actress. She has featured in some Ugandan movies like; Bed of Thorns.

Martha Kay is known as the “Range Rover Gal” after her Range Rover video went viral added another year to her age on May 22. She graduated from Uganda Christian University in Mass Communication.

During the time of the boat accident that left over 30 dead last year, Martha happened to be by the waters, though on a different boat, many of her fans reached out to her to find out if she was well..

MARTHA Kay has always had a thing for singer Ykee Benda and her best song from his music is Singa. In the days leading up to the Singa concert, Martha was one of the top fans that hyped up the concert and rallying her fans to buy tables for the concert.

She once bumped into Ykee at an event and what followed next was a photo moment, the comedienne loved the moment as Ykee put his hand around her waist.

Martha Kay became trending again on social media after her N#de pics found their way on the internet. TV shows were having a feast day over the issue.



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