Lucky Dee To Celebrate Salama's Birthday Amidst Corona

Posted on May 28, 2020
By Brian Skillz

There is No love like Father's Love to a daughter, Lucky Dee can testify this.
The West Nile Music Boss Lucky Dee has been a happily married man ever since God blessed him with a daughter; Salama Nyamungu.
In many accounts, Lucky has been heard telling interviewers and friends that, Salama is the reason he hustles day and night and he won't stop hustling just to put a smile on her face.
Salam made One year a few days back on 13th May ,but Dee was not happy because he didn't bring together friends to celebrate her birthday.
But from reliable sources, the family of Lucky Dee are now in full preparation, organizing a Birthday celebration which is slated for tomorrow around Nebbi town for the little angel(Salama)
On a phone call with Lucky Dee, he revealed that, it is true , they are preparing a birthday celebration for Salama but they won't invite many people for the celebration, it will be a small family celebration due to the Corona guidelines on public gathering.
However, he will put up a much bigger one, come next time.

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